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1 : 管理人 : ID:m.KL4qN2
This thread/topic is for Non-Japanese Speaking people.
Please write in English, and additionaly in Japanese if you can write (I will try to do).
You can use Machine translator (ex. http://www.amikai.com/demo.jsp) for Japanese.
This thread remains on top.


136 : Allura : ID:ZvF0KJCA
if there are any japanese users who are particularly kind,
i would like for any of my posted stories to be translated to Japanese,
to be enjoyed by a further audience.
if needed i can provide payment.

137 : 名無しさん : ID:t/1W78kA
You mean stories which you posted on this uploader?

138 : allura : ID:m0L7Xt8A
Yes, of course.

139 : quiesnez : ID:EAU8rPOo
Hello Yunzo-san,

I finally started posting here. Maybe you do not know me, but I used to be 'coldasice' back then.

Please take care of me =w=

140 : Yunzo : ID:pt.q52Ek
Oh, I welcome you, coldasice san!
I like your images which seems to be involved in troubles by her own size.

141 : 名無しさん : ID:SFe5EUIw

Thank you Yunzo-san! I'm surprised you still remember me too °w°

Right now preparing for a new job, but I will eventually add more to my gallery

Hope you enjoy it =w=

(PS: How do you quote / link to the post before you?)

142 : allura : ID:yrinA/2E

This offer is still standing.

143 : 名無しさん : ID:Dzg4DV4k
This thread seems to have been dead for a bit now but I have a question.

There are some posts that I can't seem to click. They're just not a link and so I can't press them.
It seems like there are a lot like that and I'm unable to view a fairly large amount of things. If anyone has any idea on how to fix it please let me know.

144 : hevex : ID:GPDfUXDk
In the upper right hand corner, you can see some checkboxes after "Access browsing-restricted contents". Check the checkboxes to turn some of those texts into links. Check them all to access everything.

As far as I know, L is for Labia (vaginas), P is for Penises, V for Vore, C for Crush, and S for Scat.

145 : Yunzo : ID:Tmebu7yM
Exactly! Thanks for your explanation.

146 : 名無しさん : ID:Gcpon8wY
I was trying to post comment to one of the illustrator
and have this thing

The server refuse to browse the page.
The URL or value may not be correct. Please confirm the value.

does anyone can tell me how to solve it?

147 : 名無しさん : ID:.s/pJYhY
Install Gentoo

148 : 名無しさん : ID:DsrVPiUI
Hi, just wanted to ask is this like the forum for giantess/巨大娘 that most japanese people used? Trying to find forums for japanese that is active.

Was trying to find more images/galleries/stories.

(Also if anyone knows, for english forum is giantesscity.net the most active?

149 : 名無しさん : ID:3ni2u61I

G-Zone is probably the most active forum for Japanese people. https://g-zone.come-up.to/J/forum/bbs/

150 : Gojii : ID:CTh1hjhk
I've found some great works, but wondering if anyone has some recommendations for growth stories on here to read?
Specifically mega/gigasized type ones. If untranslated in Japanese that is totally fine.

151 : 名無しさん : ID:3hVw/zi.
Good day. I just want to raise a problem with the site.
Recently, using gecko based web browser (e.g. Firefox) produces error after loading a second picture.
error message appearing: "The image cannot be displayed because it contains errors."

良い一日。サイトに問題を提起したいだけです。 最近、geckoベースのWebブラウザ(Firefoxなど)を使用すると、2番目の画像を読み込んだ後にエラーが発生します。 エラーメッセージが表示されます:「エラーが含まれているため、画像を表示できません。」

152 : Yunzo : ID:07GMpf7k
Hi, please let me know more detail,
especially what file did you try to download and meet error?

153 : 名無しさん : ID:JbUWlwuE
Hi. Thank you for replying. Just to mention that when I use Gecko based browser like Firefox, I can open attached pictures or video for the first time. When I again try to open another attachment, it would show and then when almost finished, the error appears.
So to fix this, I need to close the browser and open it again. But when I use Microsoft Edge, the error does not show.
This error occurs on any attached file, whether picture or video. Thanks again for the response.

154 : 名無しさん : ID:s7JhlLBg
Good day. I just wanted to say that for the time being the problems that I have regarding viewing media (pictures or videos) is mostly working now properly. Maybe there is something in the website backend that was changed making it now work for me. I hope this would last. Thank you for fixing the problem.

155 : Yunzo : ID:Xbv4k3Ow
Yes, I wrote detail on top page.

156 : Quantum : ID:vU4d7OmQ
Hello guys, I’m new here and I can’t figure out how to download images for the life of me.
What is the proper/optimal method to download images from this board?

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