Opinions and Suggestions

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1 : Pachy : ID:2jbyvsEs
Post anything about my pictures or videos.
You may do requests, but depending on my status, uploading time varies.
(Doesn't need to use English to post here, it is preferred to though)

2 : 名無しさん : ID:Xbu2r8QI
Your videos on Youtube amazed me. That's excellent.
If you can and I were able to do request, I hope to conclude growth in your new video like Sakuya's one. I love that!
But I regard my request as make your producting difficult. I'll be glad as far as you don't make yourseld hurry or hard.
Thank you for your uploading and I'm sorry for my naive English.

3 : 名無しさん : ID:3Qqt8zlg

4 : 名無しさん : ID:P2u.Oc5Q
Yess, I always love giga touhou butts crushing cities!
But if I had to say something, it's be careful with using the cloud effect and a cloudy skybox at the same time.
I'm probably the only person in the universe bothered by it, but clouds don't go nearly that high into the atmosphere !

5 : Pachy : ID:bclvp/86
Haha, it's amazing how people noticing the little details in the background sometimes.
I'll try to find more accurate skyboxes next time.

6 : 名無しさん : ID:xXaMau6w
That POV is gorgeous!
It looks like as if her butt is goddamn HUGE! Love it!

Your videos look very professional.
Honestly, I haven't seen such realistic MMD videos for a long time.
It's amazing to watch them along with your amazing skills!

Suggestions, hmm... Why not more Patchy?
That video really shows a lot of potential!
Like crushing entire cities with that kneehighs, or with shoes.
I think you'll love more Patchy too!

7 : 名無しさん : ID:7zRr1gps
I love it! Buttcrush is so delicious yet underrated! Hopefully we get to see more GiantASS fun!

8 : 名無しさん : ID:1R/U4Nyk
It is wonderful.
I want you to teach what model was used.

9 : Yunzo : ID:WENWuegs
So Great pic!
I have been aroused by your videos in YouTube, especially growing Sakuya.

10 : Pachy : ID:XU4j.1sg

Most of the models used can be found at VPVP Wiki:

11 : Pachy : ID:XU4j.1sg

I mean >>8 , oops.

12 : 名無しさん : ID:kGV207cY
Very good!
I love Toho(especially Patchy) and GTS.
By the way,I have a question.
Do you make video with MMD?

13 : Pachy : ID:XU4j.1sg
Yes, I use MMD to make videos and pictures.
Videos are uploaded to YouTube though.
This account is only for pictures.

14 : 名無しさん : ID:kGV207cY
Thank you for your answer.
Oops! I have already watched your video on youtube
and have registered your videos with my favorite.
I love them ,too!
I hope your works! Keep up the good work!!

15 : 名無しさん : ID:Qb5gzjow
Nice picture!
Good job!
I imagined Mei Ling loafed on the gatekeeper job again.
Sakuya found it and shrinked her.

16 : DP : ID:AVU2VmhA

17 : XNR : ID:BxmL/bU6

18 : 魔理沙好き : ID:NBgO8d3o
うどんげ is great! I want to be treaded very. Please make a MMD picture stomp it is うどんげ if you please! (Google Translate)

19 : 名無しさん : ID:781ERMO6
I will request a lot of images of crushing stomping town destruction of 河城にとり

20 : Pachy : ID:Z.TIcCJk

Thank you for the requests, I will make them as soon as I can!~

有考慮過到GN 蕩蕩,可能要再想多一回先下決定~

21 : Permayuyuko : ID:Jo7FBZMA


22 : LunarGuy : ID:C5lLwEw6
Hm? I thought I might as well add something to this discussion.
How about Sakuya leaning over a mountain, crushing it with her
busom as she slides her nails (or fingers) along the city,
destroying blocks in it's path. I would do this myself, but
I haven't the time to be learning MMD. Thanks~

23 : 魔理沙好き : ID:oniGBH9E
Thank you so much for answering the request!
Also crushing stomping of Alice that are posted before
It was the best, but crushing stomping うどんげ this time
It is the best! Please crush stomping in the socks!

24 : 名無しさん : ID:YISviL86
Thank you in response to the request of Nitori
Nitori was the best
I'm sorry, but I also want to see the destruction of Nitori more destruction and 風見幽香

25 : Dante : ID:TTPUebY6

26 : 魔理沙好き : ID:r8qMP.O.
It Might not a tremendous view and I watched from right under this
We can be treaded if the girls of Gensokyo
I need your help please crush stomping rather
Although'm not sorry just request
村紗 I want to make a picture of MMD crushing stomping

27 : LunarGuy : ID:JRl/k/7A
Oh, hey! You did my image. I really find it was hard to transfer over, but the idea
and the concept did really well on the transfer to MMD. How hard was it to learn to
learn this program do you find? Do you have any previous animating experience?

And since this IS a request forum, not a 'let's stroke Patchy's ego' forum, I was
curious about any two-person growth competitions? The SDM seems to make the best
candidates for this, so I'd suggest Meiling / Sakuya as most likely
candidates. You do have an amazing Patchouli model, so that would work as well.
This is simply food for thought~

Thanks for the image Patchy~!

28 : LARGO : ID:6WJqB0s6
hmm, she has giga breasts.... No! PADS! ;-)

29 : 名無しさん : ID:p88yRw.o
And thank you for answering the request is the best
To request want to see and destruction stomping beat and destruction of にとり 聖白蓮 and Yuka

30 : Tman : ID:GomMr4wI
I just want you to know I love your works, both here and videos.
If I could request, may I ask for some Mokou? Breast-destroying a building or an entire city would be very appreciated,
if you ever feel like doing it. Keep up the good work!

31 : 名無しさん : ID:glll79zE
Revenge is very good!
I like this situation.

32 : DP : ID:59zy8LBk
Thank you!

33 : 魔理沙好き : ID:gfgd7DxU
I am honored if Shineru by being treaded on Remilia!

34 : 魔理沙好き : ID:jhNLssHU
The crush of tread still is great!
'm A request but Komachi is crushing stomping huge
I want you to make something of the feeling
(Google translated)

35 : kyon : ID:Gby.HB.2

36 : Pachy : ID:YzZATlpI
(Google 翻訳)

37 : kyon : ID:Gby.HB.2


38 : 蒼凪 : ID:65lcBFJc
I have always seen your works at every updating.
Yuyuko of this updating is also wonderful.
Since I likes a feet,tabi,and crush, I like your work.
Please do your best from now on.

39 : Pachy : ID:YzZATlpI


"VPVP wiki" MMDのモデルを検索するため良いサイトは


Many thanks~

(Google 翻訳)

40 : 名無しさん : ID:re7hcBLo
Do you think in one of your videos you would also be able to try a multi-size scenario with multiple giantesses? I know it is hard, but I love your videos and know you are capable of a lot~

41 : 名無しさん : ID:YI6knxds
Want to see the image a huge Goliath doll act violently
I will request

42 : 名無しさん : ID:OQkC7S.M
I want you to make a video Marisa stomp the town
The size is about one hundred times

43 : Pachy : ID:k3DJBPTI
Sorry to all who are going to request but all the requests I'm receiving are getting out of hand,
I'll have to lock the request thread and stop all new requests getting in for now...
In the meantime, I'll try finishing all the requests I've got so far,
I might open up for more requests after finishing them, no guarantee though..

Apologies for being too overly-excited before and then shut off everything right after...
Just please understand that I'm also just a human-being, can't focus all my time on making videos and such.

44 : Nut_kun : ID:lUv7/Dhw
Don't get yourself too much work Pachy, btw
I also would like to see Marisa's turn to getting big too.
(noticed some of old request around here )
I have seen a lot tiny-sized Marisa or Normal Sized Marisa
getting teased by other big girls more than enough now.

45 : 魔理沙好き : ID:pqbBeQ2A
This is great!
Situations Marisa was huge mosquito stomp the city
I am very happy because it was also in that it wanted!
Please Keep it up!

46 : Nut_kun : ID:uNcuGNuQ
Marisa is so cute~* and very brilliant using Mushroom
and Mario interface theme,

Well Pachy, do you know where I can learn how to use MMD?
and the links for programm and model too, would be great.
I'm interest into using it.

47 : Permayuyuko : ID:xH437GS.
Just drop in to say that my story for Patchy's Super Giga Marisa Land series is complete.
Thanks for Patchy for letting me write a story for it~


48 : Nut_kun : ID:1xGldm1U
Marisa is so cute~* thanks for all that pictures of her.

49 : 名無しさん : ID:cCSr4Oqw
It is a wonderful image.
Or that there are no eight-head figure Marisa to order spare ...

50 : 魔理沙好き : ID:UzxRVu4s
The great and crush patchouli that is a giant step on the whole earth!
I was excited crush stomping Because it is a love situation myself in particular!
I support you in the future!

51 : 名無しさん : ID:hif6W.8M
I noticed that you edited some of a models you used here,
like shorter skirt, wear thighhighs socks.... and their hair color.
Those were different from the original models.

How can you do that? Please tell me.

52 : Nut_kun : ID:hif6W.8M
I noticed that you edited some of models you used here.
Like shorter skirt, wear thighhighs socks and change their hair color
Those were different from the original models though.

So please tell me how can you do it? Thanks in advance.

53 : 名無しさん : ID:FBOgk24k


54 : 名無しさん : ID:752XfkIM
Seems like the thread is bugged, as
it's not showing the latest post until other
people post a new ones.

55 : DPAr : ID:/DX364bg

56 : DPAr : ID:/DX364bg

57 : 名無しさん : ID:lvZ2MrNY

58 : 名無しさん : ID:lvZ2MrNY

59 : Pachy : ID:gg37Iwew
1. Google SketchUp のファイルをコンバータを使用
2. アクセサリはMJGTS スレッドで配布されました

60 : 名無しさん : ID:PA6ODZMo
I want you Double Mukyuu..~ movie!!!!

61 : 名無しさん : ID:RyQd.JcM

62 : 名無しさん : ID:RyQd.JcM

63 : Pachy : ID:QrsjZRCU

64 : Pachy : ID:QrsjZRCU
Sorry, I'm not planning to do that video.

65 : 名無しさん : ID:z7wSfm/2

66 : 名無しさん : ID:z7wSfm/2

67 : 名無しさん : ID:F1nJ.eRM

68 : 名無しさん : ID:F1nJ.eRM
MJGTSのDownload URLが死んでるなら

69 : 名無しさん : ID:FqdMigp6
いまmjは過去のログが見れないし 書き込めない

70 : 名無しさん : ID:NKXrJjpc
うーんそうですか mjは過去ログが見れないので

71 : 名無しさん : ID:HflquEl.

72 : 名無しさん : ID:K/ES1BQk

73 : 名無しさん : ID:K/ES1BQk

74 : ゆんぞ◆HiUc4F9WwY : ID:LOyYzG3g


75 : Pachy : ID:GflcwEbE
Thank you for your time for the fix, Yunzo-san~
I suppose I should stop the second thread now,
there really is no need for two threads running the same time.


76 : 名無しさん : ID:ZRMqJwR.
It is a huge girl's good work.
Work of further the future is expected.
Please enjoy making. ^^

77 : 名無しさん : ID:H4pakCuM

78 : Nut_kun : ID:TaM5N2pw
Greeting Pachy.

I have a question though. Do you know how to do the
Giantess Foot Fetish using MMD/MMM? I try hard on this one
I've been finding a barefoot material and try to attach
them into each models but still no success. Mofukitune did
really awesome job on Giantess Foot Fetish, his barefoot
material looks really good too.

It would be appreciated for your help or at least guide me
for it. I really want to give it a shot.

79 : Permayuyuko : ID:EtwYgIKQ
Mofukitsune used a barefoot part from a paid model, which then he did some editing using metasequoia. By the nature of it, he can't redistribute it, but the original model is Patchouli Knowledge by Lucile.


(Yeah, I've bought it too, but the editing was on hold for months already...)

80 : Nut_kun : ID:TaM5N2pw

Are there any easier way to do it? ; _ ;

81 : Permayuyuko : ID:EtwYgIKQ
I don't think so; that one is really the best you can find, in my opinion.

Actually, I've tried to look for DAZ models too, but they just don't look as good as the best ones, like mk_cuf. I'll probably look into it more once I have time.

82 : Nut_kun : ID:TaM5N2pw

I guess I have no choice then... thanks for the info!

83 : 名無しさん : ID:oui9wogc
Hey, how come I don't see you put the scale as much anymore? I usually liked those little figures up in the corner.

84 : Pachy : ID:IZjjXA7Y
Oh, sometimes I'm just lazy and don't bother putting it up.
Personally I don't think it's really a necessary thing to add into the pictures,
never really thought people like to see some numbers that's not really all accurate, haha~

85 : aFan : ID:rJOGLEYQ
Happy Halloween! Boo!

86 : 名無しさん : ID:Otu5ZuMo

87 : Pachy : ID:SLt10/e6
The little scale figure is back!~
I hope the style isn't too muddled for someone.

88 : 名無しさん : ID:8fB992KA
awesomest hijiri

89 : aFan : ID:FjdVgtPE
The scale figure has more 'personality,' and the Byakuren hug is amazing! You're getting better at this, aren't you!

90 : Hank88 : ID:Q/kgWKTc
Greetings Pachy!

I just wanted to congratulate you for the amazing videos and pictures of our beloved Touhous!
Thanks a lot for doing them. They are some of the best MMD macro pictures I have seen of Touhous.
Also, the models you use are some of the cutests versions of the Touhou girls and I love them a lot! Specially Patchy, Marisa, Youmu, Alice and Remi-chan.
I definitely love your art and videos. They are really well done and are very enjoyable to watch.

Keep up the amazing works, Pachy!

91 : and47 : ID:M6Wu9dwI
Hello Pachy! I have to say I've been a big fan of your work for a while.
You make some of the most creative and immersing scenarios for your pictures and videos I just can't get enough...
The quality of the renders and animations has to be of the best I've seen and you really pay attention to detail.
I really would like to ask you a few questions privately though
but I do not know of any other ways of contacting you so do you think you can let me know if there's a way to go about doing that?
And don't worry I read your page description, I'm not looking for any requests.
Thanks and I hope you continue with your unbelievable works!

92 : Pachy : ID:spjnblO6

Hey there!~
Perhaps we could contact via PMs on Youtube?
Even though I'm not as active on there, I don't see any
other ways to contact privately.

Thanks for your appreciations!

93 : ca : ID:wjKY3R6I
cute 'Great' misti!

94 : 名無しさん : ID:6gBdjIoc

95 : LunarGuy : ID:RE6to.NE
Hello there, I loved your work so I'd thought I'd give an idea. I always considered Haku better then Miku in many retrospects. Perhaps we could have a really really larger Haku looking over Miku drinking alchohol with the other hand on her hip~ Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work~ :D

96 : 名無しさん : ID:0Fmst/es
good job!!

97 : 名無しさん : ID:PvCI9mW2

98 : ゆんぞ : ID:EhUgJLmw
>>97 一ヶ月後につっこむ内容でもないでしょう

99 : 名無しさん : ID:PvCI9mW2
あ いや 当事者です 聞いた本人

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