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1 : Kitsune's Den : ID:eNcmWEN6
Thought that I might as well make one of these. Couldn't hurt right?
If anyone has any requests they'd like to make, I'll try my best to
fulfill them. Just don't count on too much yet though, I'm still a
beginner... ^^'

2 : 名無しさん : ID:wfnEOW3E
nice work

3 : Pachy : ID:iuydJeqw
Heh, you are doing a really good job for a beginner!
Just a little tip, I notice in your pictures there's often black aura around the giant girl.
If you want to make it disappear, you can open up the MMEffect window, then there should be
a tab called DepthMapRT if you're using SSAO, select the skydome accessory, and remove the effects of it.

Keep up the good work, looking forward to more MMD pictures!

4 : Kitsune_Phantom : ID:wGW2PXTA
Hey, thanks for the compliments!
I sorta got inspired by you actually, Pachy.
I'm glad people are finding my work quite enjoyable. It
helps motivate me to continue.
I'm going to be working on moving into animation, though I will
working on more images in the mean time!

A few questions for you though.
What kind of effects do you use for the debris and
explosions and such? I'd like to use some of those for my images.
Also, how would you go about editing off the shoes for some

5 : Pachy : ID:iuydJeqw
For the debris, I use an effect/plugin called "破壊エフェクトセット", which can be found here:
You will kinda need some basic PMDEditor knowledge, specifically how to use plugins for the program.

Alternatively you may find this useful, though I've never used it myself:

As for the shoes, I usually borrow the feet/shoe part of a different model,
then copy it over to the one I want to edit on. To be honest I don't really
have much experience on PMDEditor, often time I screw up some part of the models
and will have to cover that part up when making pictures or videos.
I'm sorry that I can't provide any help regarding actual editing.

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