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1 : Koirvon : ID:CkIPA7Uo
Hello, I am Koirvon, a fellow GTS fan
Apologies that I can only speak in English

After seeing various MMD size fetish works from different people such as Pachy and Permayukuko, I was inspired to create my own.
I will try my best to come up with various concepts for images.

I welcome any comments and feedback

4 : Nut_kun : ID:n0SsBGuI
Nue needs more love!!

btw where do you find that Milky Way material for the
Giga Nue?

I was looking everywhere and still no luck.

5 : Koirvon : ID:5FPinFZ6
Thanks! Giga-scale happens to be my favourate size-difference, so I'm trying my best to present the POV and size comparasions.

I'm not quite sure where I found the galaxy model.
I can temp reupload it here if you wish to use it.

Although I think another milky way model exists somewhere on Google Sketchup

6 : Yunzo : ID:Emjk7onM
Ya! 2-tier pictures are not enough to describe how enormous Okuu-chan is.
We need 3!

7 : RubyGlow : ID:Pj2PBX7I
Hello! You have an amazing work with feet stuff *_* Aww, thank you!

8 : kentbobby2000 : ID:E3kAIk4s
That's some fantastic work right there! Keep it up with the giga size giantesses!

9 : AmazingGuy : ID:cA1rMdYg
Where did you found all the bsrefoot models?

10 : Nut_kun : ID:Pr9mHUJ6

Oops! sorry I forgot that I asked you for it, Thanks!!


He edited the model by attaching a barefoot to certain characters.
It's something I really want to do since begin but I still
failed at editing...

11 : Koirvon : ID:xTbeFkpI

I didn't actualy edit feet into any of these models (yet)
A few models often have feet rendered in the model, and is just a means of removing footware with an editor, saving a lot of time and hassle

Also Nut_kun, I happened to have a good read at those posts you made on macrochan /cg/
I respect your way of thinking, that you want to make things relating to concepts you wanted to see more of.
Oddly enough thats very simlar to why I want to do a load of giga-scale things.

I noticed you seem a bit offended by the various "shrunken Marisa" content that exists, since I'm also guilty of making it, I made a huge Marisa version for you to make up for it.

12 : Nut_kun : ID:O0.GjN1Q

Now, I feel like I forcing you to,
nope you don't need to do it if you don't want to.

Well, it's just me how I respond to the certain thing that
hadn't been the way what I want to see.

Yes there are a lot of " shrunken Marisa " in the past man,
a lot.

13 : Nut_kun : ID:O0.GjN1Q
BTW, the the boots do you used for macro marisa?
I like that boots.

Maybe you could send me that edited model too, I want to know how
can people weight their boots for model.

14 : Koirvon : ID:Jnap4H8M
Nah, nothing was forced.
You seemed a bit frustrated on /cg/, so I thought that this would make you feel better.
The image itself is like a mirror to the micro one I did (having her the size of a country rather than the size of a dust-speck)
plus its pratice for me, trying out different angles and stages

I'm not really any good with editing, often I end up with glitchy bones etc.
but here is what I used anyway, its just the original footwear replaced with the boots plus the minor leg texture swap.

15 : Nut_kun : ID:gcIyt5lM

Yeah, me too.. I failed at edit all the time.
I like that boots... It looks really like the tomboy boots
and it is all make sense why I feel like that way after see it in your files.

It's Mokou's boots! I never though of it before.
Thank you anyway!

16 : 名無しさん : ID:1FpFRhZ.
Yo that new Cirno image is rad. Tiny cities buried in the mountains all beneath those towering socks. Love it.

17 : 名無しさん : ID:Xu/QYOA.
I agree with Nut, I love Mokou's tomboy boots.

But what I really want is something like the micro Reimu.

I know the size difference is very similar to Giga scale, but it seems like micro is a rarity...

18 : Nut_kun : ID:SCnUAYd.

Weird because both Reimu and Marisa usually play in the role of Micro ( especially Marisa )
What is used to be rare is Giga Marisa... Today.. Not anymore lol.

19 : Nut_kun : ID:SCnUAYd.

Oh and I used to reply on Macro about that I never
get to see any " Strong Youkai " in Micro form or getting
shrink before.

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