When I, Ritsuka, went to the Masilo area, this childhood friend was looking for somethinWhen I asked Masilo what she was doing, she looked at me, moving her arms underwater.
"I'm looking for an underwater city. Maybe that's where Munetaka is hiding. I found it! "
Mashiro pulled out a palm-sized sphere dripping with copious amounts of seawater. It was a spherical city covered with thick glass.
Inside the sphere was a hierarchical structure, with a forest of buildings that could house several thousand people on each level.g underwater in the harbor.
"This is an underwater city? I'd like to see it too."
Masilo handed me a spherical city. Upon closer inspection, people stirred like tiny dots in the streets that ran between the small buildings.
When Masilo lifted it up, he was startled by an earth-shaking tremor. The people must have fled from the buildings, startled by the earthquake-like tremor that Masiello lifted.
 He looked at the sphere as if it were a minuscule terrarium. Mashiro took out his cell phone and began to operate it.
"I've transferred Rinko and the others to the roof of a building in the undersea city. Look at the expression on her face."
The cell phone image showed Rinko being forcibly transferred to the building. It showed a flustered Rinko as she was forcibly transferred. The cameraman was puzzled, but as the image began to show a wall of glass, he saw our faces on the other side of a giant finger reminiscent of the world tree in Norse mythology!
 I operated my phone and started taking video. I transferred the video to Rinko's phone in real time.
Rinko watched the video with his face contorted with fear and began to relay the situation in a trembling voice.
"This time I've been transported to an undersea city by the Titans! What are they going to do in this city this time!"
 Seeing Rinko's panic, I smiled wickedly and asked Masilo to get down on all fours.
Masilo's tremendously huge body, thousands of times larger than a human's, moved to push away the large amount of sea water, and Masilo, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment, got into a position where his buttocks were sticking out at me.
I moved the fabric of the swimsuit covering Masilo's pubic area, revealing his beautiful pink labia.
I pointed the camera on my phone at Masilo's pubic area, and the reporter, Rinco, gave a live feed with a look of horror on her face.
"Apparently, this city is going to be turned into a toy for the giant tribe!"
 Images are shown of a giant labia attempting to swallow the underwater city whole.
Eventually, the sphere pushes the giant labia apart, and the underwater city slowly enters the great cavern of the vagina.
At first, only small moans of confusion are heard inside the city, which are gradually replaced by the screams of the inhabitants as they begin to understand the situation.
The walls of vaginal flesh dim the surroundings, and the sounds of Masilo's heart, breathing, and internal organs echo through the city. The city is dominated by the sound of heartbeats and high-pitched screams.
Masilo's heart beats faster and faster, aroused by the images.
 As the images pushed the city further in, the spherical city of tens of thousands of people was completely swallowed up by Masillo's vagina.
"It would feel even better if the walls of the city broke down and the buildings and people inside popped out."
As he said this, Masilo put a little pressure on his own pussy. Numerous fine cracks appeared in the city's glass walls, and Rinko in the image screamed.
"Oh no! Senpai, you wouldn't do that, would you? But ....... But if it crushes me in you, .......... Maybe it's a good thing."
"Hahaha, get on with the actual situation, or I'll crush you."
 Excited by their exchange, I covered Mashiro's back and embraced him, rubbing his big tits as big as mine with my right hand while I fingered Mashiro's pubic area with my left hand, gently stroking his labia and pussy core.
Masilo let out a gasp of pleasure. Masilo's voice, low through his body, echoed through the city.
"Nnnnnn! Ritsuka, it feels so good, I'm going to tighten up."
Masirow looked at me with a troubled face.
"Hmph, you don't want to crush your precious junior, bear with it."
 Masilo seemed to be holding back, trying not to put too much pressure on his vagina. But as I continued to stroke Masilo's pubic area, he seemed to lose all self-control, and the cracks in the city's glass surface gradually widened. The cracks in the city's glass surface gradually widened.
Finally, with a violent crash, the glass collapsed and the city was enveloped in heat and humidity.
The shards of glass caused great damage to the outer edges of the city. Yet still the underwater city's carbide carbon columns supported the glass and kept the spherical shape of the city.
A large amount of pussy juice seeping from Masilo's vaginal walls began to trickle down the city's pillars and levels.
The viscous, transparent liquid engulfed the crowd outside the building, causing people to flee for their lives toward the building.
But as Masilo became excited by the sight, more liquid seeped out and began to engulf the building.
The pressure caused the windows of the building to break, and the liquid entered the building.
The high-pitched screams coming from inside the building grew louder and louder as time went on.
Several buildings collapsed under the weight of the large amount of liquid pouring from the rooftops.
"An! Oh my God! It's started!"
Mashiro's excitement grew and his breathing became ragged.
I inserted my index finger into Mashiro's vagina and stroked the vaginal walls.
Lynko in her vagina continued her frantic play-by-play.
"There's a big finger in there! This is Ritsuka's finger! Yes, it is! Ritsuka is the goddess who pinched many people on the beach and destroyed the ferry. It is the finger of the evil goddess who destroys us, Lady Ritka!"
 In the excitement of being called an evil goddess, I misjudged and stuck my index finger into the city.
The finger pierced a pillar, lightly shattering the building right next to Rinko's. I quickly pulled my finger out, but it was already too late.
With one pillar down, the city could no longer maintain its spherical shape and gradually distorted.
Rinko stopped the actual situation and was stunned. The cameraman dropped his camera and cowered, so he moved it to Masilo's butt.
The remaining camera footage showed the city being crushed with a tremendous roar, the hierarchy collapsing, and people screaming.
Finally, the image went black.
I spread my vagina with my finger and looked inside. The city was cruelly left in its original state, the wreckage of buildings and countless dots wriggling about.
I inserted my index and middle fingers and stirred inside Masilo, just as I had done with Wakana. 
Masilo moaned loudly and shook his body, his big tits slamming down on the beach city, and many little people were crushed.