ydnkm (ydnkm) 's Page.

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I'll post English translations of only works I got the permission.
Twitter : http://twitter.com/ydnkm

EmmaGear or tsacc are editing my translations. Thank you!
EmmaGearさんやtsaccさんは英語翻訳を編集してます。 ありがとうございます!
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Current Timezone Setting : Asia/Tokyo
No. FileName Title Size Folder DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 kotoki_jpn.jpg 狐刻のよろこび 【Sheelaさんはこの依頼を描いた】   1558 kB commission 3436 2013-10-03 sw P V
2 yuyushiki_eng.jpg Yukari-chan 2106 kB ochiko 9135 2015-11-03    
3 kyokapu_eng.jpg World's destruction by sex 637 kB ochiko 16766 2015-05-22 GW GM  
4 kaedesuikomi_eng.jpg World annihilation by maman Kaede's sniffing 663 kB ochiko 8363 2013-06-02    
5 ohuro_eng.jpg With the family together 290 kB ochiko 8788 2013-02-07    
6 tanabata_eng.jpg What tera-sized couple would do during the Star Festival...   1371 kB ochiko 7360 2012-07-30   L P
7 kuga_valentine_eng.jpg Valentine's Day present   1304 kB ochiko 4568 2016-02-16   S
8 kyodaiika_2_eng.jpg Ultra Invasion! Giant Squid Girl (Short Story version)   4199 kB ochiko 8605 2013-12-15 GW L
9 kyodaiika_eng.jpg Ultra Invasion! Giant Squid Girl   1085 kB ochiko 4153 2012-11-10 GW L
10 UltimateValentine_eng.jpg Ultimate Chocolate 245 kB ochiko 5613 2014-02-16    
11 ori_eng.jpg Treatment for the intruder 526 kB ochiko 9762 2013-03-25    
12 kaede-oppai_eng.jpg Transfer to Nipple City 290 kB ochiko 8414 2014-02-02    
13 torako2_eng.jpg Torako's snack   438 kB ochiko 4890 2013-05-26   V
14 tora2_eng.jpg Tora-san 2 1408 kB ochiko 6130 2017-02-22    
15 dekatoratyang_eng.jpg Tora-chan skull crushing play 116 kB ochiko 7805 2015-01-03    
[ 1 - 15 / 269 ] Next 15 file(s) ->
No. ThreadTitle Number of Articles Folder Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 Welcome / はじめまして 122   2016-02-19    
[ 1 - 1 / 1 ]
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