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My new game called Size Impact 1.2 is out.

- The game allows you to play as tiny or Giantess, Giga.
- Fight the Giantess and Giga Boss for a special reward.
- The Gacha function allows you to get giantess characters and rare items.
- The maps are high quality and have lots of fun things to explore.
- Many Dungeons.

This gameplay video is just a test version from the beginning, the finished game has reduced lag and runs smoothly with deeper upgrades.

If you enjoy the gameplay video, please consider supporting me on Patreon, thank you.

New game link:

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File in "Top Folder" (Display All)
No. FileName Title Size DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
106 first.htm (体内探検)そして、岬と旅立つ! (第2話) 6 kB 1519 2009-06-13    
107 exit.htm (体内探検)ただいま!!(第4話) 11 kB 1563 2009-06-13    
108 expedition1.htm (体内探検)ゆけ!ゆけ!体内探検隊!!(その1)。(第10話) 25 kB 1164 2010-01-12    
109 expedition2.htm (体内探検)ゆけ!ゆけ!体内探検隊!!(その2)。(第11話) 33 kB 1063 2010-01-31    
110 expedition3.htm (体内探検)ゆけ!ゆけ!体内探検隊!!(その3)。(第12話) 37 kB 1005 2010-03-12    
111 expediton5.htm (体内探検)憧れの彼女の真実(第24話)   89 kB 3350 2012-02-28 sw sm V S
112 underworld.htm (体内探検)英治、遥の真実を知る。(第3話) 6 kB 1295 2009-06-13    
113 gameprologue.htm (体内探検)遥なる理想郷? (第1話) 11 kB 1463 2009-06-13    
114 vn018.jpg (先生どこ行ったんだろう…?) 145 kB 2939 2021-12-10    
115 sidestort1.htm (外伝)南くんの彼女。(第14話) 45 kB 1009 2010-05-09    
116 sidostort2.htm (外伝)探検部の反省会。(第18話) 18 kB 533 2010-09-27    
117 sidostort3.htm (外伝)炸裂!? 未代と岬の最終奥儀!?(第19話) 25 kB 557 2010-11-04    
118 aa4.htm (小ネタ)足物語 99 kB 1684 2018-01-03    
119 biggirlhtm.htm (巨大娘)その巨大娘に手を出すな。(第23話) 39 kB 4522 2011-10-20    
120 kibasen_death.jpg (悪)夢の男女混合騎馬戦 846 kB 4949 2017-11-27    
Thread in "Top Folder" (Display All)
No. ThreadTitle Number of Articles Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 稚拙なコラですが 307 2024-07-04 GW  
2 はまちのスレッド 7 2024-07-01    
3 十六夜スレッド  その2 481 2024-06-27    
4 巨大妻大好き 4 2024-06-24 GW  
5 Requests and Announcements(要望・報告スレ) 721 2024-06-24    
6 GTSLへのご意見、ご感想はこちらへ 144 2024-06-23    
7 ご意見などあれば 241 2024-06-16    
8 wakanaの 17 2024-06-14 sm  
9 namacoのページ 35 2024-06-03    
10 ど素人 1 2024-06-01    
11 おちゃっぱのスレッド 97 2024-05-31    
12 感想など 63 2024-05-28    
13 うどん魔人スレッド 5 2024-05-25    
14 試みに 32 2024-05-20    
15 XNRのスレ 86 2024-05-12    
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