s.s. tempo アート.翻訳

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おーい!新深拍子(シンシンひょうし)です!(s.s.tempoも申します) 美術と翻訳をしています。

Hey there! This is Shinshin Hyousi! (I also go by s.s.tempo) I do art and translations.
Since this is a Japanese site, I'll normally be speaking
Japanese, however I can also do English if needed. All translations are in English.
Any thoughts and constructive criticisms are appreciated.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ss_tempo
pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/users/933120
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File in "imas" (Display All)
No. FileName Title Size DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
16 gsihokita_jp.jpg 巨乳になった巨大北沢志保ちゃん 646 kB 741 2022-04-11 GW  
17 shizukon_alt.png 温泉及川雫 落書き 591 kB 528 2021-04-25 sm  
18 gyumi_angel.png 落書き ギガ天使夕美ちゃんの降臨 815 kB 875 2020-11-13 GW  
19 gigashizuku.png 落書き ギガ水着及川雫 303 kB 509 2020-10-02 GW  
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