ydnkm (ydnkm) 's Page.

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I'll post English translations of only works I got the permission.
Twitter : http://twitter.com/ydnkm

EmmaGear or tsacc are editing my translations. Thank you!
EmmaGearさんやtsaccさんは英語翻訳を編集してます。 ありがとうございます!
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Current Timezone Setting : Asia/Tokyo
No. FileName Title Size Folder DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
241 gigaika-kansei_eng.jpg The Giant Squid Girl - Complete version 5589 kB ochiko 14367 2017-08-29    
242 akumameidooppai2_eng.jpg Devil Maid's Invading Breasts 2663 kB ochiko 14484 2019-06-13    
243 miokaiju4_eng.jpg Gigantic Chanmio Monster Landfall 4 4586 kB ochiko 14542 2020-05-06    
244 kaede_ohuro_eng.jpg Bathing with mother Kaede 470 kB ochiko 14608 2014-08-30    
245 kanade_eng.jpg Destroying the world with a kiss 3284 kB ochiko 14674 2017-04-27    
246 kaede_ohuro_wakige_eng.jpg Bathing with mother Kaede - Armpit hair version 519 kB ochiko 14708 2014-08-31    
247 noja_eng.jpg Noja Person 3956 kB ochiko 14733 2019-09-22    
248 megamisama2_eng.jpg Goddess Planet Inhalation (Warning: dirty content) 3044 kB ochiko 14864 2017-04-15    
249 usaminchikubi_eng.jpg Gigantic Usamin's inverted nipple touching meeting 2087 kB ochiko 15228 2017-04-02    
250 Fenrir_eng.jpg Gigantic Fenrir-chan 3003 kB ochiko 15499 2018-03-24    
251 ha-ze_eng.jpg Hentai Magical Girl Hase-chan 2986 kB ochiko 15565 2018-05-21    
252 akumameido2a_eng.jpg Devil Maid - Bonus manga 1: Smaller 1311 kB ochiko 15589 2016-07-17    
253 tanuki_eng.jpg Noja Person - Part 2 4235 kB ochiko 15905 2019-09-24    
254 kyojin-jouou2_eng.jpg Giant's Queen 2 1489 kB ochiko 16706 2016-09-15    
255 kyokapu_eng.jpg World's destruction by sex 637 kB ochiko 16767 2015-05-22 GW GM  
No. ThreadTitle Number of Articles Folder Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 Welcome / はじめまして 122   2016-02-19    
[ 1 - 1 / 1 ]
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