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My new game called Size Impact 1.2 is out.

- The game allows you to play as tiny or Giantess, Giga.
- Fight the Giantess and Giga Boss for a special reward.
- The Gacha function allows you to get giantess characters and rare items.
- The maps are high quality and have lots of fun things to explore.
- Many Dungeons.

This gameplay video is just a test version from the beginning, the finished game has reduced lag and runs smoothly with deeper upgrades.

If you enjoy the gameplay video, please consider supporting me on Patreon, thank you.

New game link:

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File in "Top Folder" (Display All)
No. FileName Title Size DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
76 showdown.htm (スペシャル)偽科学部現わる!?(第21話) 68 kB 958 2011-02-28    
77 kirin.jpg (そういえばあいつさっき変なキノコ食ってたような…) 457 kB 13185 2013-07-16 GW  
78 reaname06.jpg (そろそろ絶滅したかしら) 138 kB 1966 2015-08-25    
79 1okusuka.htm (ただの生存報告)てきとーに1億倍スカ   6 kB 2622 ----- GW S
80 yoshinon_1.htm (デレマス)巨大芳乃の神罰   46 kB 1434 2021-06-20 GW C
81 einherjar_1.htm (デレマス)戦乙女の足元で -序章-   58 kB 2740 2020-09-07 GW C
82 einherjar_3.htm (デレマス)戦乙女の足元で -徒花-   47 kB 1314 2021-05-05 GW C
83 einherjar_4.htm (デレマス)戦乙女の足元で -慈愛-   37 kB 1120 2021-07-23 GW C
84 einherjar_5.htm (デレマス)戦乙女の足元で -最終章-   52 kB 1318 2021-11-07 GW sm L C
85 einherjar_2.htm (デレマス)戦乙女の足元で -終戦-   48 kB 1730 2020-10-17 GW C
86 nandakore.zip (ふたなり)挿絵というか挿文というか改(Word) 2370 kB 1120 2010-06-06    
87 freetalk.htm (フリートーク対決)彼女の食べた物はどうなった!?(第22話) 56 kB 2169 2011-07-17    
88 sailormoon14.htm (ポケモン)アイリスの玩具キョウちゃん 11 kB 744 2018-05-15    
89 sailormoon18.htm (ポケモン)アイリスの玩具サトシ 12 kB 681 2018-05-18    
90 sailormoon23.htm (ポケモン)アイリスの足にお仕置きされるサトシ 5 kB 618 2018-05-20    
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No. ThreadTitle Number of Articles Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 はまちのスレッド 7 2024-07-01    
2 十六夜スレッド  その2 481 2024-06-27    
3 巨大妻大好き 4 2024-06-24 GW  
4 Requests and Announcements(要望・報告スレ) 721 2024-06-24    
5 GTSLへのご意見、ご感想はこちらへ 144 2024-06-23    
6 稚拙なコラですが 306 2024-06-19 GW  
7 ご意見などあれば 241 2024-06-16    
8 wakanaの 17 2024-06-14 sm  
9 namacoのページ 35 2024-06-03    
10 ど素人 1 2024-06-01    
11 おちゃっぱのスレッド 97 2024-05-31    
12 感想など 63 2024-05-28    
13 うどん魔人スレッド 5 2024-05-25    
14 試みに 32 2024-05-20    
15 XNRのスレ 86 2024-05-12    
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