ydnkm (ydnkm) 's Page.

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I'll post English translations of only works I got the permission.
Twitter : http://twitter.com/ydnkm

EmmaGear or tsacc are editing my translations. Thank you!
EmmaGearさんやtsaccさんは英語翻訳を編集してます。 ありがとうございます!
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Current Timezone Setting : Asia/Tokyo
No. FileName Title Size Folder DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 kyoko_eng.jpg Adult's version of Anko-chan gigantization 391 kB ochiko 12673 2012-01-10 GW  
2 kyoko3_eng.jpg Colossal version of Anko-chan 2960 kB ochiko 8271 2012-01-15 GW  
3 kyoko4_eng.jpg Colossal version of Anko-chan (Different version) 2425 kB ochiko 7282 2012-01-15 GW  
4 kyodai_ado_eng.jpg Colossal Ado 512 kB ochiko 8471 2012-01-22 GW  
5 kyodai_ado2_eng.jpg Colossal Ado (Different version) 626 kB ochiko 10336 2012-01-22 GW  
6 humihumi_eng.jpg Field trip's night (ero trap)   417 kB ochiko 7243 2012-03-18 GM P
7 kuroko_eng.png A certain Kuroko's reduction teleportation   1711 kB ochiko 4352 2012-03-23   S
8 mikumikupants_eng.png Starting DL sales of winter's Comiket book! (details in the bulletin board) 4217 kB ochiko 11113 2012-03-23    
9 mikuED_eng.jpg Different ending of Shrink 'High   1890 kB ochiko 8432 2012-03-23 GW L S
10 one-tyan_eng.jpg Strike Witches movie's commemorative manga (no spoiler)   524 kB ochiko 6355 2012-03-23   C
11 tenko_eng.jpg Giant futanari Tenko Kuugen-chan [request]   705 kB ochiko 7687 2012-03-23 GW P
12 sutoman_eng.jpg Lyne-chan's deadly breasts   543 kB ochiko 8684 2012-03-27   C
13 STRIKEfigure_eng.jpg Strike figurines   541 kB ochiko 6706 2012-04-01 sw P
14 Fart_of_princess_Miko.zip Fart of princess Miko (Sequence)   3264 kB ochiko 2662 2012-05-20 GW S
15 manabenodoka_eng.jpg May 27th news 341 kB ochiko 7679 2012-05-26    
[ 1 - 15 / 269 ] Next 15 file(s) ->
No. ThreadTitle Number of Articles Folder Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 Welcome / はじめまして 122   2016-02-19    
[ 1 - 1 / 1 ]
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