XS Giantess works

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I've enjoyed this site and Japanese Giantess for a long time so I thought I would share my work.
I speak a very small amount of Japanese (but getting better!).
Please enjoy :D
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Current Timezone Setting : Asia/Tokyo
No. FileName Title Size Folder DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 amyxmas.jpg Any Xmas 1870 kB   856 2013-12-25 GW  
2 amy4.jpg Amy4 508 kB   1080 2013-12-05 GW  
3 amy3.jpg Amy 3 850 kB   1593 2013-12-05 GW  
4 amy2.jpg Amy 2 4775 kB   1046 2013-12-05 GW  
5 amy1.jpg Amy 1 848 kB   1035 2013-12-05 GW  
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No. ThreadTitle Number of Articles Folder Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 XS Giantess works thread- Say Hi :D 1   2013-12-06 GW  
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