こちら亭風酒寺御です。 An announcement of our Patreon's new manga. The first 4 pages are public. But only Patreon will have the original size with ENG/JP language.
Special thanks to “Shrink school” series games production team. (縮小学園シリーズゲーム制作チーム )
Hmm maybe not so desolate ? XD Greetings, my name is NiwatariK, a size fetish artist using Sizebox as my tool most of the time. I'm a big fan of Touhou Project, so in most of the pictures I will do giantess images of touhou characters. Requests are OK to me (Better if Touhou-related), and I will do great lengths to find the related model and do the pics. My Japanese sucks, and with very poor English, so there may be lots of discomforts when you read my replies.(If replies exist orz) So excuse me and hope you like my images ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ ------------------------------------------------------------------ (I have tried to translate it into Japanese by machine translator, but I highly doubt it's readability, so let it go and apologize for that orz)
9 : jinja : ID:e8jVGvz6
Thank you for all the wonderful illustrations! Can Reimu take off her socks and try to trample the barefoot shrunk city?
10 : NiwatariK : ID:DisMmRS2
>>9 Thank you for your comment!╰(*°▽°*)╯ I did a really quick work on this image (within the day), and hope you could enjoy it~ (BTW, I should have made the image with another lovely Reimu model, but later I suddenly found that model couldn't take off her shoes(( But still I would like to finish that, and if possible you can look forward to it~)
11 : jinja : ID:e8jVGvz6
>>10 Thank you, I want to be trampled by her! I'm really looking forward to talking about Reimu's model. I hope beautiful Reimu will destroy many towns~