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1: 始めまして! Howdy! (15)  
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1 : 15   始めまして! Howdy!

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1 : ハイダルク : ID:7l9yLOv.
After many countless hours, I've finished TLing Straight555's "Shimai and I" series.
It was a rather interesting piece so I've decided to TL it so that we the English-speakers can enjoy it as well :D!

Since I'm not a native English speaker,
I would appreciate it if anybody decided to lend their hands on editing. Wouldn't want to degrade the original author's skills afterall...

Alright then! Enjoy!

11 : ハイダルク : ID:zZMmsS9E


12 : ハイダルク : ID:8bLiJi1Y
Can't alter my intro text for some reason, but I'm back from the dead!
School and Family stuff have been bearing a lot, but I try stealing time here and there.

Hope to finish all chapters preferably by the end of August!

Be sure to leave feedbacks guys! :)

13 : 名無しさん : ID:7hF9wD/Y
Don't you translate to your mother language?

14 : ハイダルク : ID:0OV2hI7E
To be honest, I think my English might be slightly better to my mother tongue -- Indonesian.

Though I haven't seen a GTS community in my mother language yet haha!

15 : ハイダルク : ID:hWVPYOJE
Very long overdue, and finally finished summer school so that I
can continue editting...

Sorry for the delay guys.

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