Spell Experiments

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Manipulating the size of cities and girls.

I make MMD pictures.

Not a Japanese speaker, apology if I could not understand.
日本語を知らない。理解していないために謝罪。 (Google 訳した)

Most new pictures would be uploaded now over Twitter and deviantART.

Over here I post pictures that I feel too bizarre to post in other places.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PachiPachy
deviantART: http://pachipachy.deviantart.com/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCefjzTYJkeSS4_nAOHJH9DQ
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Current Timezone Setting : Asia/Tokyo
File in "Scale_1" (Display All)
No. FileName Title Size DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 yuyumyon.jpg In Yuyu's breasts 119 kB 2775 2013-07-17 GW  
2 satori_01.jpg Destroy the Shrine~ 548 kB 2039 2013-11-11 GW  
3 koakuma_02.jpg Trick or Treat?~ 637 kB 1994 2013-10-31 GW  
4 koapatchy_01.jpg Growth, in both ways. 720 kB 2780 2013-10-07 GW  
5 yuyumystia_01.jpg Sweet Revenge Revenge 1100 kB 2589 2013-11-20 GW  
[ 1 - 5 / 5 ]
Thread in "Scale_1" (Display All)
No. ThreadTitle Number of Articles Modified Date Genre Restriction
[ 1 - 0 / 0 ]
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