markun mess stash

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Aboot me
Hi, I am me. Some Central European messy artist, who's been drawing since 2017, and who's since 2021 happened to improve on more.
I draw in GIMP 2.8.10, with use of Wacom One S tablet from 2016.
This stash here is where I'll be firstly posting all of works, including smaller messier ones. Pretty much only drawing Touhou giantess content. At most rarely some Cookie☆ one too. Seems very rarely.

日本語は話せません (ごめん)

Artwork sharing (and more)
Pixiv: htts://
Twitter: why would I

Deskord: marky4733
QQ: 2672357178

Commisions & Donations
Paid requests available on my Pixiv account: Payment in JPY.
Other requests, art trades.. well, yeah, suppose available too, on anywhere you may contact me: matrix, daskord, QQ, pixiv messages, my thread here, etc.
Ko-fi commisions and donations.. technically in EUR available, in USD less, but practically.. not

There was some image here, but not anymore sadly
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Current Timezone Setting : Asia/Tokyo
File in "th" (Display All)
No. FileName Title Size DL Modified Date Genre Restriction
1 futo_stompy_play.png Futo's stompy playground 2204 kB 766 2023-01-16 GW  
2 miyoi_mess.png Miyoi's destructive tabi 6279 kB 689 2023-01-12 GW  
3 youmu_mess_stocking.png Youmu stocking tight walled city 2246 kB 648 2022-12-23 GW sw  
4 mystia_lost_mess.png Mystia lost in city 1324 kB 592 2023-01-30 GW  
5 youmoon_mess.png Youmu and her moon 361 kB 524 2023-03-25 GW sw  
6 waka_ship_snack.png Waka's ship play   257 kB 476 2022-12-29 GW V
7 suwako_panty_mess.png Suwako's panty moon 517 kB 456 2022-12-28 GW  
8 suwako_city_nom.png Suwako eats a city   1313 kB 455 2023-04-11 GW V
9 youmu_mess_bare.png Youmu bare tight walled city 1795 kB 442 2022-12-23 GW sw  
10 shinmy_run_mess.png Shinmyoumaru running away from Raiko 328 kB 413 2023-05-30 GW  
11 nue_stompy.png Nue's trample penalty 699 kB 389 2023-02-10 GW sw  
12 suwako_stompy.png Suwako's city stroll 3365 kB 370 2023-02-10 GW  
13 koga_grow_mess.png Kogasa growing out of a building 115 kB 365 2023-05-14 GW  
14 raiko_nue_mess.png Raiko keeping Nue inbetween tights 371 kB 364 2023-05-03 GW sw  
15 shinmy_pee.png Shinmyoumaru at a pee break   335 kB 363 2023-03-25 GW L S
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