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1 : ydnkm : ID:qDMfQZBY
Hi, I'll be doing the translations of works starting with Kyoko-chan's Short Story.
I asked Ochiko-san's permission before posting.
I am open to constructive comments to improve the translation of future works.


2 : Plinko : ID:Zh4cbFIo

3 : 名無しさん : ID:ojipgVgg
Thank you
Please keep up the good work

4 : 名無しさん : ID:1FRcAeRE

5 : 名無しさん : ID:hdgl61F6
I have been waiting for a long time for these translations. Thank you very much your work is very much appreciated

6 : gan : ID:fQG8ue5w
awesome, thanks so much :)

7 : ydnkm : ID:vDSjk/Ik
Thanks for waiting!
I just posted the 2 versions of Ochiko-san sequel of Kyoko-chan's Short Story.
Both version has the same text, just a different composition.
Next : ado_ss

8 : 名無しさん : ID:5qWZYwHU
Excellent work, this one was translated even better than the last was. I hope you eventually are able to translate all of his short stories.

9 : Plinko : ID:Rf1DramQ
This is Beautiful.

10 : RndmGtsFan : ID:/nPodEpM
Thank you very much for these translations.
Often I have wondered what was writing on those pictures, and now I'm able too see the story in its real glory.

11 : ydnkm : ID:wcHr.ZZo
ado_ss is released!
For those who don't know who Adeleine is, she is a character in Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
She turns evil with a shard and everything she paints comes to life.
Once beaten, she follow the groups where she "paints" items to help you.
Knowing this, how would she use her ability? ^_^

I plan doing all his work.

One could guess what it says, but understanding it gives a different experience.

12 : 名無しさん : ID:X5wDDJ.U
Thanks once again. Good to know you're going to continue doing this!

13 : 名無しさん : ID:FksY7.gY
I'm so glad someone's translating. Best of luck to you.

14 : ydnkm : ID:Iw0qZCbc
From Ochiko's tweet :

The english translation of the doujinshi is now complete.
The registration on DL-site will be done tomorrow.
It will include both the japanese and english version for 700yen. (Based on google, it's currently 8.9194 U.S. dollars, some conversion fees may apply)
The registration may take some time before it takes effect, I think the sales may start around the weekend.

Other comments:
You may have seen that he is going to sell on both MelonBooks and dl-site, but MelonBooks will NOT have the english version. Long story short: People outside of Japan appears to have difficulties to buy on that site.

15 : ydnkm : ID:rwb0NNTY
New update from Ochiko, DL-Site and MelonBooks will both have the english translation.

16 : ydnkm : ID:NbA6sixQ
From now on, I'll also post the translated short dialogues pictures here.
So here are the 5 pictures translated and edited by Ochiko.

Also, all comments on the pictures are taken from Ochiko's comments.
This means the "DL sales" is about his doujin sold last month.

17 : ydnkm : ID:72WHLTsY
I know I haven't uploaded a new translation for a (long) while. Sorry.
But, I aim to finish the princess' SS (the fart one) this week.

Also, there are no specific order for which SS I translate.
So you can ask which SS to be translated next.

ydnkm , May I ask you where is the original pics of your translation ?

19 : Thonos : ID:/B28jivE
Hey there. I just wanted to drop by and let you know, how much
I appreciate your work. The art produced by ochiko was always
very thrilling to watch, but unfortunatley my lacking language
skills made it impossible for me, to enjoy his pictures in the
way they meant to be seen. But your translations are giving it
its thrill back. So again: thank you for making this.

20 : ydnkm : ID:9fWzNErA
The original were posted on 2ch in the past and the links are probably dead now.
I'll notify Ochiko to see if he wants to re-post them.
Please be patient.
オリジナルは、過去に2chに投稿された。 今、リンクはおそらく死んでいます。

> Thonos
Hi, I agree with you that Ochiko's art is really interesting, but also his ideas.
"A picture is worth a thousand words", but it can't bring you the same feeling with a story of the picture.

As a small suggestion, I think Ochiko would really like to have your comments, even if they are in english or about old pictures.

Next translation: Tanabata (Star festival)
Small note: Vega and Altair are separated lovers and this festival celebrates their meeting, which happens only once a year on July 7th.

21 : デリート完了 : デリート完了 ID:.F4Bg73A

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